5 items frugal people spend a little extra on

If you know anyone frugal, there are some items they purchase that have surprised you. You would not expect these purchases from these frugal people. To you, the spender of your friends it might seem out of character but, there is a reason. Don’t get me wrong they probably did not pay full price for the items or services, after all they are bargain hunters.

Here are items Frugal people spend a little extra on and why ?

Comfortable shoes & outerwear

Ever heard of the saying, you spend half your life on your feet or on your bed, so, your shoes and your mattress purchases are very important. Frugal people understand this. They know the shoes they wear will have a big effect on their body. At the end of the day their shoes will affect their energy and their back. They will read reviews and wait for a sale and buy a pricier shoe than a cheap uncomfortable one. Also, they value quality over quantity.

They apply a similar principle to an outerwear. Frugal people buy quality, not necessarily brand, items and keep them for years. They purchase these items at a bargain. They wait when winter is out to purchase these at a heavy discount.

fugal people

Comfortable Beds & Bedding

A good night sleep is the most underrated medicine. Sleep is very important. It will affect your mood, health and weight. Frugal people know this, it is a non-negotiable. They may not purchase the most expensive mattress but they will certainly pay premium. They purchase additional comfortable bedding and mattress protectors as well. Frugal people know the items you take care of the most last the longest.

Home improvements with the highest return

Frugal people know where to get the most return on their renovations. They know a flashy over the top kitchen or bathroom will not give them a 100% return but a garage or main door replacement definitely can. That is why when they spend money on renovations, they consider resale value and spend on those projects first.

Here are some other projects that will give you the best return on your investment.

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Time saving appliances & services

I have met very frugal people who pay for bi-weekly cleaning services. These people know the value of these services and they will cut their spending elsewhere to make this happen. Having a clean house is a worthwhile spending for them. Sometimes its a math problem, what they earn in 3 hours is more than what they pay to the cleaners. For others it means more quality time alone or with their families. They apply the same concept for appliances. If it saves them time they are willing to pay a premium.

Memorable Vacations

Good vacations are a bank account with unlimited value. They rejuvenate your body and your mind. Frugal people value vacations. They spend good amount on these. Most of the time they either go during off season or travel hack.

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