Money Diary: How the best side hustles can change your life

** Money Diary is about learning from fictional stories. If children can learn for tales and fables why can’t adults. **

Meet Kima, she is a young 25 year old who had struggled with weight and health issues until recently. A couple years back her life changed all because of the best side hustle she started. It helped her lose over a 105 pounds, make extra income and improve her mental health. The side hustle was the reason for all of it.

So, how did she do it ? What kind of side hustle can do that ?

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To understand this you need to understand her path.

Her Past

Kima had a difficult childhood. She grew up in a tough neighborhood and a broken home. She is the youngest of her six siblings. Her father was incarcerated since she was five years old. Their mother worked 2 jobs every day of her life even then money was tight. Her mother’s income could barley provide what they needed. She always saw her mother struggle every month to pay the bills and put food on the table. Eating out and new cloth were a luxury. Christmas gifts happened once in a blue moon as well.

Read other Money Diary series:

1. How to turn your finances around

2. How to pay off $60K debt

3. A single mom exceling in her personal Finance

Her mother was a strong woman. She was a pillar of the community. Kima made time for her kids and emphasized the need for education. She made sure they attended school and kept up with their teachers. Thankfully all the kids understood it was school or end up like their father.

Kima took life’s hard lessons to heart. She received a full ride to a state college and graduated with honors. She got her first job paying $50,000/year with full benefits and moved to a safer neighborhood. Her work had great work life balance and it gave her plenty of time.

She also put her benefits to the test. She started contributing 20% of her 401k and did her first physical. Her doctor told her she was overweight almost prediabetic and with her family history her health was headed south.

Despite being a college graduate with a good starting salary, she need to make more money. After taxes and deductions her take home pay was not enough. Plus she wanted to get in the property ladder sooner than later.

She started googling for “best side hustles” and “best side hustles for woman”. She found several articles with a list of side hustles but one stood out.

Kima & Her Side Hustle

For an animal lover like her, who was struggling with health issues: being a dog walker checked all the boxes.

dog walking side hustle

She started by advertising in her neighborhood and on Rover. She listed her services for $20/hr and worked every day of the week.

In 6 months she had 20 consistent clients and a routine. She walked 1-2 hours every day and had pet sitting gigs every weekend. She also decided to eat healthy and have a balanced diet.

In a year her bank account grew and her weight started going down. Because of the dogs her mood and the exercise her mood also improved.

Dog walking as a side hustle

Side Hustle Turns into a Family Business

Kima partitioned her side hustle money into two. Also saved 80% of it every month in a separate savings account and used 20% for anything she wanted like travel, shopping & brunch. She was making over $2000 a month. Because of these savings, she purchased a condo and expanded her business. She brought in her older stay at home sister in to help with her clients that required morning and mid afternoon walks.

Her health also improved for the better. In three years she lost over a hundred pounds and turned her chances of getting diabetes around. She looked good and felt great!

Financial Lessons from this money story:

  1. Not every side hustle is built equal. This was the best side hustle for an animal love who needed to make more money.
  2. Save some of the money you make for long term goals but spend some. Tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. You need to enjoy life while your young.
  3. Notice your opportunity for growth & resources. When her business grew, she hired her sister and expanded rather than turning down clients.

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