Best Money Show to Watch: to Learn & Be Entertained

Best money shows to watch

I have compiled the list of the Best Money Show to watch. These will keep you entertained and they will teach you everything from the basics of personal finance to money psychology. It will also give you resources and sites professionals use for themselves and their clients.

If you like this list, please read the Best Money Books post as well.

Rich House Poor House

This is the only British money show on this list. If you have ever watched house swap this is house swap on steroids’. The show is about switching two families for a week. House, budget and daily schedule. Both families struggle adjusting to either too much or too little money. It also highlights the opportunity rich kids have versus poor kids.

The show has been going for 9 seasons. It started airing in 2017 and the most recent episode aired in June 2023.

What I liked about this show:

  • The show switches people who are geographically close to each other.
  • The people being switched have relatable fields or mindsets
  • It shows how much hard work and sacrifice the “rich house” made to get to where they are

What I did not like about this show:

  • At some point in the mid seasons, there were a lot of masterminds.

How to get rich

This is a Netflix production staring Ramit Sethi. He is a well known personnel in the personal finance world. It has one season and it focuses on 6 people/families across the U.S. having a money management issue.

What I liked about the show:

  • They picked a variety of people. Very diversified cast.

What I did not like about the show:

  • The cast was a little too dramatic, most people made good money but had bad money management issue.

Get Smart with Money -Most Entertaining show

This is probably one of the best Money show out there. It is very relatable and shows people from all walks of life. A bartender/artist who is struggling financially because she does not make enough and a sport star who earns and spends a lot.

The show focuses on 4 financial experts and the families/ individuals they help. They help them navigate everything from budgeting, side hustles, increasing income or setting up businesses. The show had polarizing reviews though I had no complaints about it.

Here are two 9/10 & 1/10 reviews about the show:

“We watched this with our two college students home for the summer, it was eye opening for them and made an important impression I hope they carry into their young adult lives. The reviews here are very polarized, love it or hate it. Americans’ relationship with money is not unlike our relationship with food. Basic truths of spend less, save more; eat less, lose weight are the hard truths we don’t really want to hear. Most want mindless entertainment to forget problems, not a documentary that challenges their life choices. Mr. Money Mustache should teach a required high school class, entertaining, and espouses a life style that would benefit many as well as our planet. Get Smart with Money is worth your time, but only if you are open ways to think about the world. If you think you know it all, you really know nothing.” -rstice

“I hoped until the very end that at least one good advice will be given 🙁 but no…. a lot of clichés and that’s it. Waitress who wants to be an artist, the football star who doesn’t know how to mange his money and at the end he wants to give back to his community (this was already cringe) and so on. Everybody was buying things from Amazon and that was the problem. They even had a home renovation project included because that sells or they just run out of things to film? It could have been a short film of 15 minutes and even like that it would have been to long 🙁 I don’t think I will watch a Netflix documentary ever again this aren’t documentaries this are bad reality shows.” -Kinga-benedek

Money Explained -Most bird’s eye view show

This is another Netflix Money show. It is part of the explained series focusing on just personal finance. The show has 5 episodes and it is a great show for beginners. It goes through the basics of credit cards, student loans, gambling and retirement.

What I did not like about the show:

  • It is very informative and educational but on a broader scale. You still need to read and research more than the other shows to apply this to your finances.

Opportunity Knock$ – Most relatable show

This is a PBS production you can stream for free. It has 3 well known money experts who have decades of experience helping out everyday American families. It shows clients in section 8 struggling to get out, people dealing with fertility costs, a woman who is about to get into the eviction process and teachers trying to make ends meat.

This is probably the most realistic and relatable money show on this list focusing on everyday people.

Undercover Billionaire: Best business related money show

This is the only money show on this list with the power or entrepreneurship and business as it’s focus. It shows how 3 self mad billionaires go undercover without their contacts and money to make a million plus worth business in 90 days with just a $100 to their name. It is wildly entertaining and very motivational.

What I did not like about the show:

  • It has a lot of showmanship, but what reality TV doesn’t these days.
  • One of the people on the show was a very famous person. I did not believe he was unrecognizable throughout the whole show.

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