Instant Gratification: How it is ruling your financial life

Instant gratification, an over talked topic in the money word. So, How much does it really impact your financial future ? or is it just a phrase financial experts and older generations like to throw around ? Do we really, I mean really, understand the impact it can have on our financial future ?

Instant gratification feels like one of those made up words to me. One that floats around in the cloud until someone uses it on you. Then, Bam! it hits you, like a ton of bricks. Connotationally too. So, how does it impact our financial future ?

I want you to think about the wealth building side, Not the spending side of things. That has been talked about by me and others

Rule of thumb – “If you cannot buy it twice, you can’s afford it.” ~Jay Z

instant gratification and money

For our finances, we want it all ! and we want it now ! We want to be millionaires, have all of our debt paid off, run multi million dollar businesses and own multiple paid off houses. We want to be richer than our friends and family-maybe even the wealthiest person we know. But, we forget, everything will happen in its own time.

“Vires acquirit eundo.” This is an old Latin saying, We gather strength as we go. There is strength, knowledge, perseverance and will from walking a pathway. You will be a millionaire, if you keep investing. Debt free, if you keep paying down your debt. You will pay off your house in time too. Things take time to build. You need to layer your finances brick by brick, until you see the finished house.

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Instant gratification is not as wholesome as we think. It does not solve our problems it makes us insatiable. Sure no one would mind getting a free house and a million in their account, then what. Do you know how to grow that million ? or double it -most lottery winners go broke because they never learned to. This is only something you learn from walking the path dollar by dollar to that million. You will appreciate it more. Do not become a lottery winner, enjoy your path.

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