Best Money Podcasts: improve your knowledge and finances

best money podcasts

This is a list of the best money podcasts out there. I have created a list for books and shows as well (check those out if you are interested). The podcasts on this list are educational and entertaining. I got most of my basics from these podcasts and researched for more in depth understanding.

Podcasts can teach you a lot. I personally have learned a lot from money podcasts. I listen to them when I commute to and from work, while I work or when I go out for walks.

Here is a list of the Best Money Podcasts:

So Money By Farnoosh

Farnoosh is a well know personal finance expert who paid over $300,000 of debt while living in New York city. She worked as a financial reporter and it is clearly reflected in her podcast. She knows what questions to ask of her guests and how to break down complex financial Jargon for her audience.

Things you Should know about this Money Podcast:

-her intro’s could be long

-not every episode will be about personal finance

-her “ask Farnoosh” episodes pack a lot of knowledge

Afford Anything by Paula Pant

Paula pant is a journalist turned personal finance expert. Her podcast Afford Anything focuses on the opportunity cost of your choices and your money. She explains how resources i.e money & time are limited and you have to make choices because you cannot do it all. She shows how to weigh your options and make the right choices.

Things you should know about this money podcast

-Paula interviews non finance related authors and speakers as well

-Friday episodes are Q & A’s with a cohost, you can learn a lot from these

-Every First Friday is real estate related Q & A

The Ramsey Show by Ramsey team

This show predates most podcasts. It used to air on the radio. He is a well known author and public figure who teaches personal finance via Christian teachings. He leads his audiences through “baby steps” where he guides people to get out of debt and build wealth.

Things you should know about this money podcast

-he airs every weekday for 3 hours

-his teachings are rigid but simple- they are based on the baby steps

-it is Christian based

The Money Podcast by Mindy and Scott

This show is part of the bigger pockets family. It is a very relatable show where Mindy and Scott bring guests you can learn from and they educate. It allows you to learn how to problem solve.

Things you should know about this Money podcast

– The podcast could be real estate or financial independence focused

– most guests will be very relatable every day people

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