Best Money Books I have read and recommend

Best money books

Looking for good money books ? Look no further than this list. These are good juicy, informative money books. You are looking to learn more and grow financially. You are ready to take control of your money therefore your life.

“Some books leave us free and some books make us free.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is a list of books I have read so far, it contains the tried and true ones everyone has read and some that are not very well known. I love reading about money and the experiences and relationships people had with money.

Along with this list, I also recommend reading other blogs and this reddit forum. It has 18 million members and every personal finance question you thought of has been asked and discussed on this forum.

Here are my top Money Books:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (4.7 rating with 89k reviews)

Have you ever played Monopoly ? Robert Kiyosaki invented that game to help his kids learn about money management. Just like the game this book is a very good introduction to difference sources of income (cash flow quadrants).

The author compares lessons he learned from his Rich dad (his friends father who has multiple incomes) and poor dad (his biological father who was a very educated middle class earner with a single source of income).

Here are sample reviews of his book from Amazon:

“There are things in this book all people in the US could benefit from knowing. It should be taught in schools! I actually heard the book free on YouTube and bought it after so I could have it as a reference.” -Christi

The total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey (4.7 rating with 23k reviews)

Dave Ramsey is a prominent financial figure. He has helped millions of people get and stay out of debt. He has several financial books and podcasts as well. Though these are impressive make him sound unrelatable as a current multi millionaire, he had humble beginnings. He became a millionaire young and lost it all in the financial crisis. He claimed bankruptcy and became a millionaire again for the second time.

Promising review:

“We read this many years ago and it forever changed how we handled and see money. We are now debt free and still live by the principles we learned from this. We now buy this book and give it with a small check to people when they get married!” -Rachel

The wealthy Barber by David Chilton

Though it is not a well known money books, it is one of the best first personal finance books I have read. The book is written from the perspective of a barber teaching personal finance to family and friends. It is simple and the author is very relatable.

Promising review:

“I’m starting to love these lessons written in story form. The characters are relatable and the content is spot on!”- Larry

I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi (4.7 rating with 16K reviews)

Ramit is a controversial personal finance expert. He does not believe everyone should own a house and for some renting might be better. He also does not believe in the “save your latte money” mentality. His teachings are about optimizing your happiness and spending money in those areas and mercilsly cutting back on the rest.

I would probably label this as the best money book from this list for the people who wish for a balanced life.

Promising review:

“I purchased this book after seeing the “How to Get Rich” show on Netflix. Unlike the show, Ramit gets very specific in this book, helping you line everything up and putting your finances on autopilot so that you can enjoy your life. He talks a lot about money psychology, and questioning the things that we’ve been taught from a young age – such as do you really *need* to buy a house? Sometimes renting is a better option. Should you feel guilty about your daily latté habit if you don’t have a lot of savings? No – if drinking lattés are part of the life you want to live, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. (Seriously, he references lattés specifically about 30 times in the book.)

Ramit’s writing style is casual and humorous, making a very dry subject interesting and fun. I ended up buying copies for each of my three teenaged kids so they can start out right as they enter employment.” -D.Blemont

The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason (4.7 rating with 42k reviews)

This book focuses on the basics of personal finance with a Babylonian writing. You will either love or hate the way it is written nonetheless it is a very great book. It is also very short; you can either read it or listen to the free youtube audiobook in under 5 hours.

The Millionaire next Door by Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko (4.6 rating with 14k reviews)

This is one of those books I obsessed over. I would go as far as labeling it the best Money Book on this list for a long read. It combines money psychology and financial education.

His book is based on one of the largest data collections of millionaire’s and his findings are amazing. I do not want to spoil this book but, lets just say the millionaires are ordinary people who flaunt don’t flaunt their wealth.

promising review:

“I spent my career as a portfolio manager. Not a stockbroker or “advisor”, all names for salesperson. I managed both institutional and individual money. This book is an absolute must read for anyone who wants to live a life where they manage their money instead of having their money manage their life. Accumulating wealth is simply a function of hard work, always saving, and not making really bad spending decisions like not paying off credit card debt.”-Scott

My Money Journey by Johnathan Clements

This is the newest money book on this list. It focuses on 30 people and their financial path. It is entertaining, provides variety and education.

I believe you can learn from other peoples path more than anyone. History is a lesson, learn from others. We dedicate a series on this blog called “Money Diary”. Though most are fictional.

Read other Money Diary series:

1. How to turn your finances around

2. How to pay off $60K debt

3. A single mom exceling in her personal Finance

Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need Grant Sabiter

Grant is a well known web designer & personal finance expert. He book focuses on his path to financial independence and how he achieved that in less than 10 years. This a must read money book. If you are interested in side hustles, money management or financial independence. He also runs a very interesting blog called millennial money

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