Insanely manipulative divorce story with devastating financial situation.

I read this on an advice column. The woman wrote to the “Moneyist” market watch column asking for some financial advice.

Divorce Story, woman wrote to market watch Moneyist column

Here is her Financial Delima:

She has been in a relationship with her soon to be ex for 28 years and married for the past 3. They only got married because her husband had a health scare and they wanted to make accessing his social security, 401k and pension easier. After staying home for six years to raise their children they made an agreement. She would take lower paying flexible jobs to make raising kids easier and he would focus on bringing home the bacon. So, she makes $55,000 while he makes $180,000. Out of her paycheck she spends $2500/month for mortgage, utilities and their sons off-campus living.

They also own two homes one in Florida and the other in California. They purchased the California house together but somehow, he took her name out of the title, the house is now worth $1.5 million.

As for their Florida home, he wants to buy her out and asked her to use $100,000 to pay down their child’s student
loan. Because it is under his name! He now wants a divorce. According to him she is not entitled to any of their assets or his pension because they have only been married for 3 years. Her math lands her walking away with just $40,000. What would you do if you were her? Comment down below.

Here is my reaction to this:

According to the U.S government accountability office, women’s income falls 41% while men’s falls 23%. Neither number is insignificant. Spouses should have open conversations and keep each other accountable. Neither spouse should gain at the expense of the other.

She should find a cutthroat lawyer to protect herself. People could be so cruel. You could spend three decades with a person and still not know them. Marriage is a partnership; this woman should be entitled to some of these assets because they built it together. Whether they were married or not for most of this relationship is a moot point. I also agree with the Moneyist advise she should gather all the paperwork she can and refuse to sign anything without legal counsel.

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